The insurance company cannot raise your rates! If you are involved in an automobile accident and put in a claim with your insurance company, they cannot raise your rates for making the claim if you were not at fault for the accident. It is illegal for an insurance company to raise rates because a non-at fault party who simply put in a claim. Insurance companies will imply to you, mislead you, and/or fail to correct any misconception that you may have that your rates will be raised because you have put in a claim. Some insurance companies will use your sales agent to mislead you into thinking that your rates may go up. You should never listen to a sales agent’s advice on such matters. A sales agent may have a motive to stop you from putting in a claim because of a potential bonus to be earned based upon the sales agent’s underwriting losses. The adjuster may tell you that they are “not involved in rates”, and “don’t make those decisions”, or they “do not know” rate issues. This is extremely misleading, because it allows the claimant to conclude the possibility of a rate increase for them because of the insured submitting a claim when they are not at fault. The company adjusters and personnel know that rates cannot be increased for a non-at fault party.